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Sunday, January 23, 2011

What My Cog Fog and Fatigue are like

Many of my friends with MS also have these symptoms, and I personally, after all that I have been through, hate the cog fog and fatigue the most.   

The fatigue feels like a prison, and keeps me in bed and from doing things.  It brings down my spirits and makes me feel hopeless and trapped.  I don't wish it on anyone, and have been doing everything that I can in my power to fight it, including eating barely anything but miso soup for nearly two weeks.  My most recent attempt is my vitamin b-12 patches from my previous post.  So far, those seem to be helping greatly. 

For me the cog fog, or cognitive problems associated with ms come and go, and usually are accompanied by fatigue.  When I have "cog fog", things that people tell me don't sink into my brain, and I feel like a living zombie. I make several mistakes, and can barely think to accomplish anything properly.  I have trouble reading most of all, and understanding things that people say to me online when I get this way.  It seems to be clearing up now, but has been pretty bad for nearly a month.  

My heart goes out to all others with these symptoms, as I know first hand how annoying they can be.  I will hopefully be able to do well on the b-12.  feeling hopeful.  

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